Shop and Get Freebies in your order
Hello Kdroppers! It is BACK…
We are happy to announce that we are re-launching our “FREEBIE OFFER” since last month it got really positive response and some customers got freebies in their order 🙂
Now you can also get FREEBIES in your order on shopping for 3 or more products from KdropCart!
Hurry up and grab your freebies before it ends because the offer is for limited period.
Here are the details of the offer –Â
Offer PeriodÂ
“Summer K-merch Loot for K-fandom (Re-launched)” is starting from 7th June and will end on 7th July.
And if you love K-drama and K-pop merchandise you must not let it pass away !
Terms and RulesÂ
- Only customers who will shop and place order for 3 0r more products (any price)Â are eligible for this offer.
- COMBOS are also eligible
- Orders placed using any coupon code are NOT eligible for this offer
- You have to place order within 7th June 2021 to 7th July 2021.
- Order must be placed via prepaid payment system. Such as – UPI, net banking, Cards, Digital Wallet etc.
- COD orders are NOT eligible for this offer.
- Freebie catalogue totally depends on us. We will share that catalogue with you and you can choose out of those.
- Once you place the order we will confirm your freebie by contacting you before dispatching/shipping your order.
- Order will not be Cancelled after confirmation.
- You can Contact us before placing an order to clear all of your doubts. We give real time support also.
- Total amount of products can be anything just total products must be 3 or more
- All the items in your order + freebie may delivered on different dates.
- You will get tracking ID to track each of your product + freebie product.
Here are the Freebie details for the eligible customers –
Process of Offer –
- Place order and if you are eligible (terms mentioned above) we will mail you before dispatching your order.
- In mail we shall share a catalogue of products depending on your number of products and order amount.
- Confirm your freebie and your order will be dispatched with paid products and freebies.
- Mail/Whatsapp us screenshot of products that you want to buy in your cart before placing order!!
- If you are eligible we shall share customized catalogue with you.
- You can get an idea what freebie you want out of those.
- Then place your order.
- We shall mail/message you to confirm your order and selected freebies.
- Your order will be dispatched with your paid products and freebies.
Freebie products
Number of products and order amount will decide your freebie (more is better in both cases).
Polaroid, Photo cards, Mousepads, Plain face masks, Phone cases, Notebook, White mugs, Poster, Stickers, White T-shirt, Colour T-shirts, White Crop Top, Color Crop top, White crop hoodie, Color crop hoodie, Sipper bottle, White Hoodie, Colour Hoodie, White Sweatshirt, Color crop Hoodie available on store.